Presidential Blog, Approaching Amsterdam 2025

Dear friends and member colleagues,

IJOC General Assembly, Amsterdam 2025: In my previous message, I had already stated that we are very
pleased to return to Amsterdam for our GA and the accompanying FEI in person maintenance courses.
However, one correction for dates. Please note that our General Assembly (and the IJOC Officials Forum) will
take place on the 24th of January. The Judges course is on the 25th and the Stewards course is on the 26th. The
Course Designers course will run (as in previous years) on both 25 and 26 January.

Upcoming Board Elections: As stipulated in our statutes, there must be a rotation of 1/3 board members
each year and this year it is also the term for the Presidential elections. Accordingly, there are two board
member seats and a presidential seat up for elections. Kindly note that, you will soon receive the appeal
process information for candidates to apply.

IJOC Statutes: As you have well received, the first set of our draft Statutes are now circulated. In case you
have comments, please do share them with our Secretary General. Please do not forget that “the earlier the
better” for us to process all the comments in a timely manner. On behalf of our Board, I would like to thank
personally Liliana Rivera (BOL), Cristina Alves (POR) and Elisabeth von Bawey (FRA) for their dedicated work
in establishing this first draft.

IJOC Webinars: Our next webinar is already planned for the 29th of October, and I am pleased to inform you
that following the “Sustainability” Webinar we will have our FEI Colleagues talking about “FEI Equine Welfare
Strategy” on the 26th of November. As you know, we have already conducted two webinars so far. We are
working hard to find the most suitable slot with the course directors to accommodate the annual case
studies session within this year as well.

IJOC Online Archive: We would appreciate if you can kindly go through our library. Should you have any
supporting documents for the missing years, please do not hesitate to share them with us. Following the
check of our colleagues, they will be included in our library.

FEI Officials Working Group: Last but not least, I would like to inform you about a recent development. I
have been contacted by the FEI to join the newly formed “FEI Officials Working Group”. While we are pleased
to have been included in the group of experts, we are aware of the responsibility and the important topics
that our officials are encountering on the ground. Therefore, we consider this step of the FEI as a very
important action for future. We shall keep you posted of the developments along the way.
Finally, on behalf of our board, I look forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam.

Kind regards

Glenn Maes
President IJOC

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