The proposals for FEI Rules and Regulations revisions 2020 were published today.
You can find them on the following link:
For your information, the timeline for the FEI Rule Revisions will be as follows:
- 30 August: Deadline for NFs and MOUs Stakeholders to make comments and/or propose any changes in relation to the amendments referenced in the 1st Draft only;
- 22 October: FEI produces a Final Draft of the proposed rules changes including explanation as to the non-acceptance of proposals received by NFs/SHs, if applicable.
Here you can find Jumping Rules proposals and the Memo of Proposal on periodical rules revision.
All other document can be fount in the link.
One of the main aim of IJOC for the current year is actively to take at rules revision process.
We expect your comments, which will be provided to IJOC Rules Revision working group.