The FEI is pleased to introduce the “Be a Guardian” initiative, which was launched on 19 July, calling upon members of the community to fully commit to their duties as ‘guardians’ of FEI horses. The Concept of ‘Guardianship’ The term ‘guardian’ signifies the FEI’s evolving narrative of the horse-human partnership, highlighting human responsibility for horse […]

Remuneration policy for FEI Jumping Officials.

Article can be found HERE.

FEI insurance coverage policy.

HERE is the summary of the updated current insurance coverage for FEI officials or any other person acting in an official capacity on behalf of the FEI, specifically appointed and sent by the FEI to an event or a meeting.

This is to certify that policies of insurance and coverage listed at the document have been issued to the FEI and are in force.

Update CES Maintenance 2022.

In December 2021, FEI implemented amendments of the officials education system. A short summary of the changes in 2022, can  find HERE. All FEI Officials will be informed via personal email, exoplanetary video and FEI inside on 16 December 2021.

IJOC webinars are accessible from menu Webinars.
They are available only for IJOC members with active subscription.

More webinars will follow very soon!!!

Are you FEI jumping Official?

If you become IJOC member, you will enjoy instant 24/7 access to a wealth of practical knowledge via the website, access to many case studies, presentations, videos. You will part of the IJOC Facebook group an will follow IJOC on Twitter