How to become IJOC member?
If you are an Jumping FEI Official (Judge, Steward or Course Designer), you can register to become member of IJOC
As an IJOC member, you will:
- Enjoy instant 24/7 access to a wealth of practical knowledge via the website
- Enjoy various member privileges as: access to many case studies, presentations
- Be invited to participate in the annual IJOC Refresher Seminar and General Assembly
- Be able to meet and network with colleagues from over 50 nations and exchange ideas and experiences with them
- Be part of the IJOC Facebook group
- Follow IJOC on Twitter
Registration Instructions
You have to register with your FEI ID. If you don’t know your FEI ID you can find it here
After completing the registration form, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address.
Follow the link and confirm your email.
Your registration will be forwarded to our administration team who will check your elligibility and approve your registration. Normally this is a quick procedure, but be patient as it could take a few days.
When you receive the confirmation email, you can log onto the website.
How I can pay
The IJOC uses PayPal for membership fee transactions
On your first login, you will be forwarded to the PayPal payment system. Follow the instructions to execute your payment.
Every year, all members will receive a reminder from the system to renew the subscription.
There is also an option on your user menu to renew your membership.
IJOC bank account details
Please refer to our bank details below.
Account name: International Jumping Officials Club (IJOC)
Account number 16 61 52 048
IBAN NL10RABO0166152048
Bovenburen 30
9675 HG Winschoten
The Netherlands
How much is annual membership fee
Annual membership fee is 70€