Elections 2020.
16 October 2019
Appeal for candidates for Board members, term 2020 – 2022
We announce there will be four IJOC Board vacancies for terms 2020-2022 in accordance with the changes approved earlier this year during the last General Assembly in the Statutes Article 9.4. and Article 9.6 which established an annual rotation for Board members.
The Members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years and remain in office until the end of the third annual General Assembly following their election the only exception is the provision in Article 9 paragraph 6 unless they resign or cease to be Members for any other reason.
Three board members have terms expiring: Jon Doney, Alfred Boll and Enrique Rey. In addition, Carsten Sorlie has decided to step down as board member making his seat available.
Jon Doney and Enrique Rey are finishing their second term and will not seek re-election. Alfred Boll is finishing his third term and is not eligible.
We are launching an appeal for candidates for the four open IJOC positions.
If you wish to apply to be a candidate, please provide the following: the application form with motivation, your CV and a recent photo. The completed documents must be returned by email at sg@ijoclub.com no later than:
23.59 CET on Saturday, 16 November 2019.
All of the candidates names, their application forms with motivation forms, CVs and photos will be published on the Club’s website following the deadline.
The election process will be conducted online. The online voting system will be activated approximately the middle of December, the exact day will confirmed in due course. Voting will remain open until 23.59 CET 18 January 2020.
Please be advised, the maximum number of Board Members, including the President, representing the same nationality shall be two. If more than two people of the same nationality, including the President, are elected as Board Members, those with the most votes shall be selected, and those following shall be replaced by the person(s) immediately below them in the final results of the voting.
Following the announcement of the verified results, the first three candidate with highest number of votes will be elected with a full term for three years. The candidate with the fourth highest result will be elected for one year. The one year term will be not considered a full term.
We look forward to receiving your application as candidate for the Board and to seeing you at the General Assembly in Prague in January 2020.
Only IJOC members who have paid their membership for 2019 are eligible to vote. If you wish to renew your membership please go to: www.ijoclub.com, after login with your email and password you can renew your subscription.